Peg–A–Square is Sytem 7 friendly and should work on any machine except for the 128k and the 512k. Peg–A–Square is shareware for more info select 'About Peg–A–Square' from the apple menu while playing Peg-A-Square.
•Peg-A-Square Help
The object of Peg-A-Square is place your pegs at the corners of a square, if you can do this before your opponent you win the game. When it is your turn simply click in the circle (hole) where you want to place your peg. You can play anywhere that is not already taken except for the center on the first play.
When either you or your opponent has won the winning square is outlined. To start a new round either click on the ‘New Round’ button or select ‘New Round’ from the File menu.
There are three basic levels of difficulty on Peg-A-Square, Easy, Medium, and Hard. There is also a difficulty level called ‘Custom’ this level lets you specify the percentage of time that the computer will see certain types of moves.
•Peg-A-Sqare Strategy
Because the computer can always see when you are about to win it is very difficult to win just by randomly making squares. The easiest method of out smarting the computer is by making a ‘double square’. A double square is a setup such that no matter where the computer plays it cannot stop you from winning. Figures 1-3 illustrate several double squares.
While some of these are easy to make, they are hard to stop. At the medium and difficult levels the computer will seek out double squares, and if you don’t see them in time the computer will win. At the difficult level the computer will look for your double squares and block them as in figure 4. If you expect to win at the difficult level you will also have to do this, in addition to using more complex methods to beat the computer.
Another method for beating the computer is to force it move in another place on the board and then set up the double square. This is illustrated in figures 5-7.